Monday, November 29, 2010


yummy. beautiful...yet practical!   Thanks Bill!

Our First Thanksgiving* 
              *on our own (without family)
           *where the fate of Thanksgiving lied in our hands

Trevor's battle wound to commemorate.  Hot gravy.  :(

Butter...herbs....butter....more butter.
weird....but oh, so right at the same time.  :) 

26 lb.!  Ended up being a bit of a bust....but it sure looked pretty!
my pecan pie.  which nobody ate but Trevor and I.  por que?!
Sir Trevor and Jack, his boss.  :)

Our peeps...Mariah and Chris.
A serious game of Thanksgiving Sorry going on between Chris, Mariah, Keet, and Jan Woo (Jack's kids).


Probably about a month ago we had a wind storm so bad that we woke up to this.  I took this picture from our deck that looks out onto the lake across the street.  :)  !!!
My rugged, handsome, mountain man ready for his walk to work. 

Our new friend, Charlie.  :)  We like his parents too; Nate and Genelle.

Nate, Charlie, and Mariah.

Your suspicions are true.  I'm not afraid to admit it.  :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Redoubt Trip!

Two weeks ago I went on a work trip to Redoubt Lake to help out with some water sampling and to chop some fire wood.  The lake is about 8 miles south of Sitka and is another spectacular area.  The boat ride down was a little bumpy, but we did see four whales just outside of town.  On our down time, I finally had a chance to do a little fishing!  We had a limited fishing time, but Joe (the guy I went down with) and I each caught two coho salmon.  Ever since I returned to town, most of our dinners have consisted of salmon... tasty, tasty, salmon!