Sunday, August 22, 2010

Trevor in Alaska. Erin Oregon. Sept. 24th, OUR Alaskan Adventure will begin. Stay tuned. 


While Trevor is playing mountain man in Alaska,  I am entertaining myself in different ways.  :)  I was able to spend this week in L.A. visiting Melissa and Kevin.  Kevin has a lot of record albums!

We submitted these to this awesome website called 
We are still waiting for them to be posted.  Ha!  

Besides taking these dope pics, Melissa took me to an outdoor symphony where we enjoyed a bottle of wine under the night sky.  It was perfect!
Ha. Ha.  Melissa and I trying to recreate our faces in the picture I'm holding there.  Me...happy as pie.  Melissa..."OH, Mom."


  1. Great layout and cute album cover shots .
    Now what kind of small bird did Trevor say he saw in the back pasture ?
    They have increased 10 fold and line up on the chain link fence to drink out of the water hose ( that drips into the stock water tank ) .
    love you guys
    geezer auntie kathy

  2. I likey. Much easier than logging on to confounding facebook :-) cool photos. love the concept. muah! -lulu

  3. Aunt Kathy, I forgot to call you back! I was in L.A when you called! Trevor can't remember! :( Sorry! What do they look like? Be specific!
