Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Alaska Day!

Alaska Day in Sitka.  It's a pretty big deal.  Sitka is where the transfer of Alaska from Russia took place.  

Life-size whale announcing upcoming WhaleFest; another big event in Sitka.  I will be selling books at WhaleFest for the bookstore.

Where's Trevor???  Oh...there he his!!  Yes, Trevor was in the parade! 

After the parade most of the town walked up to this point where the actual transaction between Russia and the U.S. was made.  There was a reenactment....that we couldn't actually see.  But these guys were cool too.  :)

After the reenactment, the Coast Guard did a rescue demonstration!


  1. Oh my gosh! We soooo miss Alaska Day! Glad the rain stopped for at least a few minutes. Did you go to the Alaska Day Ball by chance? We've never been, but we hear it's fun. Enjoy fall in Sitka!

  2. Ha! It was hailing about an hour before the parade...but everything ceased just in time. We didn't got to the ball. We will however be going to the Stardust Ball for Halloween. Apparently it's also a pretty big deal. 600 tickets sold out in 3 days! Can't wait till you guys pay us...oh, yah...and your family...a visit!
